Node IPAM controller

Usage of out-of-tree Node IPAM allocator.

This feature is supported since v1.21.0.


The in-tree Node IPAM controller only supports a fixed node CIDR mask size for all nodes, while in multiple node pool (VMSS) scenarios, different mask sizes are required for different node pools. There is a GCE-specific cloud CIDR allocator for a similar scenario, but that is not exposed in cloud provider API and it is planned to be moved out-of-tree.

Hence this docs proposes an out-of-tree node IPAM controller. Specifically, allocate different pod CIDRs based on different CIDR mask size for different node pools (VMSS or VMAS).


There are two kinds of CIDR allocator in the node IPAM controller, which are RangeAllocator and CloudAllocator. The RangeAllocator is the default one which allocates the pod CIDR for every node in the range of the cluster CIDR. The CloudAllocator allocates the pod CIDR for every node in the range of the CIDR on the corresponding VMSS or VMAS.

The pod CIDR mask size of each node that belongs to a specific VMSS or VMAS is set by a specific tag {"kubernetesNodeCIDRMaskIPV4": "24"} or {"kubernetesNodeCIDRMaskIPV6": "64"}. Note that the mask size tagging on the VMSS or VMAS must be within the cluster CIDR, or an error would be thrown.

When the above tag doesn’t exist on VMSS/VMAS, the default mask size (24 for ipv4 and 64 for ipv6) would be used.

To turn on the out-of-tree node IPAM controller:

  1. Disable the in-tree node IPAM controller by setting --allocate-node-cidrs=false in kube-controller-manager.
  2. Enable the out-of-tree counterpart by setting --allocate-node-cidrs=true in cloud-controller-manager.
  3. To use RangeAllocator:
    • configure the --cluster-cidr, --service-cluster-ip-range and --node-cidr-mask-size;
    • if you enable the ipv6 dualstack, setting --node-cidr-mask-size-ipv4 and --node-cidr-mask-size-ipv6 instead of --node-cidr-mask-size. An error would be reported if --node-cidr-mask-size and --node-cidr-mask-size-ipv4 (or --node-cidr-mask-size-ipv6) are set to non-zero values at a time. If only --node-cidr-mask-size is set, which is not recommended, the --node-cidr-mask-size-ipv4 and --node-cidr-mask-size-ipv6 would be set to this value by default.
  4. To use CloudAllocator:
    • set the --cidr-allocator-type=CloudAllocator;
    • configure mask sizes of each VMSS/VMAS by tagging {"kubernetesNodeCIDRMaskIPV4": "custom-mask-size"} and {"kubernetesNodeCIDRMaskIPV4": "custom-mask-size"} if necessary.



kube-controller-manager would be configured with option --allocate-node-cidrs=false to disable the in-tree node IPAM controller.


The following configurations from cloud-controller-manager would be used as default options:

allocate-node-cidrsbooltrueShould CIDRs for Pods be allocated and set on the cloud provider.
cluster-cidrstring“”CIDR Range for Pods in cluster. Requires –allocate-node-cidrs to be true. It will be ignored when enabling dualstack.
service-cluster-ip-rangestring""CIDR Range for Services in cluster, this would get excluded from the allocatable range. Requires –allocate-node-cidrs to be true.
node-cidr-mask-sizeint24Mask size for node cidr in cluster. Default is 24 for IPv4 and 64 for IPv6.
node-cidr-mask-size-ipv4int24Mask size for IPv4 node cidr in dual-stack cluster. Default is 24.
node-cidr-mask-size-ipv6int64Mask size for IPv6 node cidr in dual-stack cluster. Default is 64.
cidr-allocator-typestring“RangeAllocator”The CIDR allocator type. “RangeAllocator” or “CloudAllocator”.


  1. We plan to integrate out-of-tree node ipam controller with cluster-api-provider-azure to provider a better experience. Before that, the manual configuration is required.
  2. It is not supported to change the custom mask size value on the tag once it is set.
  3. For now, there is no e2e test covering this feature, so there can be potential bugs. It is not recommended enabling it in the production environment.

Last modified June 16, 2023: init documentation branch (6258fe0f8)